-Convo with Marty-Marty: Jeff hows it hanging brother
Jeff: Good. I'm about to attempt this challenge.
Marty: I had to start over
Jeff: Get distracted?
Marty: didn't know i had to go non stop for some reason i missed that part
Jeff: haha yeah that would be a problem
Marty: yup
Marty: so offically the only people on the tribe i haven't talked to are Colby and Amanda
Jeff: For me it's Sydney, Candice, and Colby
Marty: I caught Candice early and Sydney, i talked with breifly you, Charlie, and Erinn i have talked with the most
Jeff: Cool cool. It's good to know they are all 'alive'
Jeff: well everyone but colby.
Marty: Yeah i think Colby will be our liability
Jeff: what a shame, I like the actual colby. :/
Marty: I know it is disapointing, But nothing is certain yet
Jeff: yeah, I'm not really that heartbroken. Haha
Marty: lol good but like i said nothing is certain
Jeff: Yeah, he could win Immunity and then chaos begins.
Marty: exactly, but for now your the main person i have talked to about this game
Jeff: That honestly makes me feel better about the upcoming events
Marty: I got your back brother, I'm going to talk to other throught the day and see whats going on from what i have seen there hasn't been an alliance formed but we will see
Jeff: I got yours too man. And I'll do the same.
Marty: awesome, hopefully we will be fine this rounmd and pull in a few others to form an alliance i'm chatting with Ben right now
Jeff: Yea that sounds good.
Marty: awesome we can totally run this baby if we get the right people.
Jeff: Let's do it man.
Marty: heck yeah, I want us to go staright to the end
Jeff: Me too
Marty: good, right now I'm talking to ben
Jeff: I am too.
Marty: cool
So what just happened? How does one trust on Day 2 like that? I like him, but I am weary of this "deal". I'm not going to be screwed by someone just trying to cover their bases with me.