AIM IM with quayle211/18/11 12:23 AM
hey check your PMs
fajitaconquesoquayle21I sent you one back just now
fajitaconquesoso heres the deal
fajitaconquesoi know edgardo hates me after the last few rounds
fajitaconquesobut i would totally do a final 3 with you and edgardo
fajitaconquesobecause literally everyone on the jury hates me
fajitaconquesoi have no chance at winning
fajitaconquesoat all
fajitaconquesoand you have won two challenges in a row
fajitaconquesoovercame a ton of odds
fajitaconquesoand edgardo was always on the outside
fajitaconquesobut the jury is made up mostly of people you were alligned with
fajitaconquesonot me
fajitaconquesoso if it were me you and edgardo in the finals i'm pretty certain you would win
fajitaconquesoand we would have a 3 person majority to vote out kelly/erin/candice/whoever is left
fajitaconquesoquayle21I don't know that's the case, I might get Syd's vote but hardly talked with the others all that much
after this vote
fajitaconquesoquayle21I think you'd do better then you think
yeah but do you really think they would vote for edgardo over you?
fajitaconquesoi literally had a screaming match with brady the other night
fajitaconquesoquayle21I would be willing to take that offer and go with it
and he told me he would turn the entire jury against me
fajitaconquesoquayle21I just don't know if Ed will
quayle21Edgardo could he was close with Marty at times
yeah but look at the jury
fajitaconquesoquayle21I don't know I don't see it as a slam dunk
because edgardo was in our alliance
fajitaconquesowith karnak people/candice and erinn
fajitaconquesoquayle21How are we going to do this now?
quayle21You can't vote
quayle21We need a girl to vote with us
if you can convince kelly
fajitaconquesoquayle21I just voted her not sure she will
quayle21I can give it a try and see what I can do
fajitaconquesoquayle21We need one of the girls so its either go to her or candice or erinn
quayle21Erinn hates my guts so that probably wont work
well i PMed all of them
fajitaconquesobecause obviously im going to save my own ass
fajitaconquesoquayle21I would be doing the same thing if I were in your situation
quayle21Ed might be able to talk to Erinn into something
quayle21He talks to her
fajitaconquesoi pmed her too
fajitaconquesoquayle21Problem is don't know if Erinn will vote Candice
quayle21They are close
well candice PMed me saying she was going to vote for me
fajitaconquesoquayle21Then it looks like it all rests on what Erinn and Kelly decide
fajitaconquesoquayle21Its all going to be on Kelly
im trying to convince kelly right now
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'll try with her and see what I can come up with
quayle21I'm going to suggest an Erinn vote to her
fajitaconquesocandice? or kelly? because kelly has immunity
fajitaconquesoquayle21To kelly because I feel there is a chance she'll vote Erinn while Candice will not
fajitaconquesowell i think it would be in your and edgardos best itnerests to keep me around
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'm willing to keep you around or the girls all will make the end
fajitaconquesoquayle21I will speak to Ed and see that me sees the same thing
fajitaconquesoquayle21We just gotta hope one of the girls will vote another and the best bet might be Kelly
quayle21Anything you want me to specificly say in the Kelly pm?
fajitaconquesojust speak your mind
fajitaconquesoi gotta go though
fajitaconquesoi'll ttyl!
fajitaconquesoquayle21Alright I will ttyl
IM her too, she's invisible
fajitaconquesoquayle21I sent the pm and can try Iming her
quayle21Have you talked to her yet?
quayle21I need to take off for an hour I'll be back soon
quayle21 is now offline.
1:00 AM
yeah shes voting for me
fajitaconquesoThe message “yeah shes voting for me” could not be delivered. The other person appears to be offline.
The user is not accepting offline messages.
maybe you can convince her but oh well, i tried!
fajitaconquesoThe message “maybe you can convince her but oh well, …” could not be delivered. The other person appears to be offline.
The user is not accepting offline messages.
2:16 AM
quayle21 is now online.
quayle21Not looking good Kelly never returned my pm
yep mine either
fajitaconquesoshes a coward
fajitaconquesoand has been hiding on AIM the entire game
fajitaconquesoi also haven't heard back from erinn
fajitaconquesoquayle21Yep I have onlt seen her visible once the whole game
but i'll probably be voted out
ohhh well
fajitaconquesoi'm rooting for you now
fajitaconquesobecause the 3 girls are all idiots
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'm going to try Candice later maybe she'd vote Erinn but I doubt it
i tried already
fajitaconquesoquayle21There isn't much else we can do then
quayle21I guess I could keep pestering Kelly
quayle21She never responds though
quayle21I guess I'll be next after you lol
not if you keep winning immunity!
fajitaconquesowhich you better
fajitaconquesoquayle21I will keep trying its just that they will keep helping each other lol
fajitaconquesoits funny
fajitaconquesobecause kelly is clearly on the outside of candice and erinn
fajitaconquesoso my reasoning was that she should vote for one of them to split up that 2 person alliance
fajitaconquesoquayle21If i were to win the f4 immunity Kelly's then going to be gone
because if i had an idol and kelly hadn't they would have voted for her and not each other
fajitaconquesoquayle21Makes no sense keeping the Erinn/Candice duo in there
fajitaconquesoquayle21Its a dumb moving kelly is passing up
fajitaconquesoand i told her that like 10 times
fajitaconquesoand she just keeps saying "sorry
fajitaconquesoquayle21She doesn't mean it lol
quayle21The 3 of them probably all had a pre game alliance
fajitaconquesoquayle21Thats why she wont do it
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'm going to be more angry in these challenges and thats bad for them
i dont care how she votes honestly but i'd just like a reason why she's voting for me
fajitaconquesobecause she wont give me one
fajitaconquesoso i hope you win every immunity from here on out
fajitaconquesoquayle21Her reason is simple had a pre game with Erinn and Candice
quayle21There is no other explanation
quayle21I'm going to do my best its do or die
good for you
fajitaconqueso2:47 AM
kelly is really dumb
fajitaconquesoquayle21I noticed that ages ago lol
quayle21I don't get the point of being invisible all the time
me neither, it's so stupid
fajitaconquesotheres no way she will win
fajitaconquesothat was going to be my argument if we were in the finals together
fajitaconquesofeel free to use it
fajitaconquesoquayle21I will use it if I'm able to get there
quayle21Chances are I won't win the last 2 challenges
quayle21I wouldn't vote for her in a million years the way she's played the game
quayle21She's not done anything besides play idols lol
i know
fajitaconquesoshe hides on AIM
fajitaconquesois decent at challenges
fajitaconquesoand cant back anything up that she says
fajitaconquesoquayle21She ignores Pms
fajitaconquesoshe doesnt do shit
fajitaconquesoshe has coasted this entire game
fajitaconquesoquayle21Doesn't talk with peopel outside her alliance
quayle21Not a game winning strategy
not at all
fajitaconquesowhile here i am
fajitaconquesowith a jury who hates me
fajitaconquesoand shes still like soooooorry im just gonna vote you out. idk why. sorry
quayle21I love the "idk why" reason
quayle21Seriously how does one not know why
i will PM you my conversation with her when it's finished
fajitaconquesobecause it's laughable
fajitaconquesoquayle21I can't wait to read this lol
it's priceless!
fajitaconquesoquayle21I still have no pm back in my inbox from her lol
fajitaconquesoim PMed her like 10 times in the past 2 days and she never responded to a single one
fajitaconquesoquayle21Nobody responds to anything I send anymore besides Ed
fajitaconquesoquayle21No worries I came to expect it
quayle21I wish now that Ed and Me split our votes
ah well
fajitaconquesohindsight is 20/20
fajitaconqueso3:26 AM
this conversation is gooooooold
fajitaconquesoquayle21Is it still going on
quayle21All we want to hear her say is I'll vote off Erinn
3:34 AM
shes voting for me
quayle21Wasted all that time chatting for that
quayle21Did she say I was next after you?
she said she wants edgardo out
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'm surprised by that
quayle21I'll believe it when I see it
yeah so i dont think theres any way we can sway this in our favor
fajitaconquesoand obviously the parts with you was me just trying to save my own ass because its obvious im going to be voted out
fajitaconquesobut aside from that, every other thing i say is the truth
fajitaconquesoin the PM i just sent you
fajitaconquesoyou can probably just skim to get the gist
fajitaconquesoquayle21I will read the whole thing I've got time
haha ok
fajitaconquesoquayle21I will give Candice a shot, probably wont work but that's all I got to work with
quayle21Erinn hates me so thats not happening
erinn is weird
fajitaconquesoshes another stupid UTR too
fajitaconquesonever showing up on AIM EVER
fajitaconquesoand only PMing people
fajitaconquesoif i were you i'd try and get candice out next
fajitaconquesoquayle21She thinks I'm smiting her and that's Sydney not me
because she's your toughest competitor
fajitaconquesoquayle21I think Kelly is tougher then Candice
quayle21They are both good but Kelly seems better
quayle21She got 1 thing right everyone on the jury hates her lol
fajitaconquesobut i feel like they hate me more because i was more vocal about everything
fajitaconquesowhile she just hid in the background
fajitaconquesoon invisible
fajitaconquesoquayle21From a game stand point most people will hate her more because nobody could talk with her
fajitaconquesoand thats what i was trying to tell her
fajitaconquesolike not even as a player of the game
fajitaconquesojust as an observer
fajitaconquesoshe should keep me!
fajitaconquesolets say someone else was in my shoes but it was the same situation
fajitaconquesoshe should have fucking kept me instead of candice/erinn!
fajitaconquesoSO DUMB!!!!!!
fajitaconquesoquayle21One of them should be going they have had a f2 since they started this game
quayle21Keeping them both in is suicide this late
i know and im like ummmm DUH!
fajitaconquesoquayle21She lied she says she didn't have a f3 with them
quayle21She had to or would vote one of them off
i know i was like seriously? come on.
fajitaconquesoshe never answered me directly when i would ask why she couldnt vote for erinn instead of me
fajitaconquesoquayle21She didn't want to tell you that she's been in a f3 with Erinn
i know and it's so obvious
fajitaconquesoquayle21She's doing the classic avoid an answer
just own up to your own gameplay!
fajitaconquesothats so stupid when people dont own up to their own shit that would help them win
fajitaconquesoquayle21The thing is why lie about it now? Not like you can do anything about it lol
she was just digging her own grave the entire conversation
fajitaconquesoi know i cant even vote!!! so why make anything up? i know that im going so just tell me the truth because theres nothing i can do about it!
fajitaconquesoquayle21It amazes people that tell stupid lies like that when they are immune and have the votes
quayle21LOL she didn't see your last pm
quayle21More bs right there
quayle21I love how she says she hasn't talked to me all game when I sent her to the tomb at the auction! I gave her that and then she's always invisible on aim pathetic
fajitaconquesosee isnt this a great conversation?!
fajitaconquesoquayle21This conversation gets better and better which how much bs she's saying
my favorites are when she says "
" without sayign anything else and im like SAY ANYTHING AT ALL YOU FUCKING MORON!
fajitaconquesoquayle21I haven't gotten that far yet
quayle21I'm at the part where she's pissed Ed isn't on jury
well i mean thats not exactly how it goes but in general
fajitaconquesoand im like well theres nothing you can do about that now so jus give me a real answer
fajitaconquesoquayle21wth is with Candice's pm lol
quayle21I don't get why she hates me
i think it's just because you won immunity twice and edgardo used an idol
fajitaconquesobecause otherwise edgardo would be out
fajitaconquesoand theyre just all so upset they have to vote me out
fajitaconqueso*rolls eyes*
fajitaconquesoquayle21She was shocked we had an idol? We went to the tomb back to back times
i know but you guys gave us like 30 unlucky coins
fajitaconquesoquayle21We had a lot of coins to begin with thanks to Brady
lucky or unlucky
right thats what i figured
fajitaconquesoquayle21He transfered his coins to us before he left
why didnt he just use the idol?
fajitaconquesoquayle21He though he'd make it through without it and gave us coins just in case he didn't
fajitaconquesowhat part are you on now?
fajitaconquesoquayle21The part where she's aligned with Candice which means in a way Candice is aligned with everybody lol
fajitaconquesowhen you said someone offered you f4, who was it?
fajitaconquesoi wont tell
fajitaconquesoi have no reason to
fajitaconquesoquayle21Candice did
with who else?
fajitaconquesoquayle21After reading this chat i dont know
quayle21She just said I can get you to the f4
fajitaconquesowell im glad i gave you this convo
fajitaconquesoquayle21But after that pm back I have my doubts
because after what your alliance has been through i think you deserve it
fajitaconquesoits really too bad that i cant vote
fajitaconquesoquayle21My alliance has been through nothing short of hell
because this would have been done with by now
fajitaconquesoand we could have sailed to the f3
fajitaconquesoquayle21I want to make it to the end just for them
fajitaconquesoi would too
fajitaconquesoi really hope you do!
fajitaconquesoquayle21I wish you could vote and at least get you into a tb challenge
i know!
fajitaconquesoquayle21Then we'd control rest of the game if you won it
these coins seriously fucked up the game
fajitaconquesofor both sides
fajitaconquesoquayle21I hated that twist and still do
me too
fajitaconquesoquayle21Looks like your only shot in Candice and that's looking bad by that pm
i know
fajitaconquesothats why i've pretty much given up at this point
fajitaconquesoquayle21There isn't anything else you can do really
fajitaconquesoi tried
fajitaconquesooh well
fajitaconquesoquayle21You did what you could
fajitaconquesoquayle21Kelly's just smart enough to see it
i honestly dont understand
fajitaconquesoi explained it to her like 1o times
fajitaconquesomore than 10 like 30!
fajitaconquesonow what part are you on
fajitaconquesoquayle21Talking about Stephen now lol
which doesnt even make sense
fajitaconquesothat was so long ago
fajitaconquesoquayle21It was like one of the first rounds lol
i know and shes just getting upset about it now?
fajitaconquesocome on.
fajitaconquesowas this the last round you could use idols?
fajitaconquesoquayle21Next tc
fajitaconquesowell i hope you guys get another idol
fajitaconquesobut i gotta go for now
fajitaconquesoim exhausted
fajitaconquesoquayle21I'll pm you if Candice changes her mind
quayle21Otherwise sorry we cannot save you
fajitaconquesoyeah thats fine with me
fajitaconquesoat least we tried.
fajitaconquesoquayle21We gave it a shot and hopefully I can win 2 more ics lol
fajitaconquesogood luck!